Apidog OpenAPI utilizes the Bearer Token
method for authorization.To request Apidog APIs, you'll need a valid API access token included in the authorization header. For example:Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOh0MRgn3ApaW6sxu5ELTnHn1h6mI
Please note, your API access token is confidential! Treat it with the same level of security as a password or other sensitive credentials.Do not share it with others or expose it in any client-side code (browser, app). If requests must go through your own backend server, securely load your API Access Token from an environment variable or key management service.
Generating the API Access Token#
The API Access Token is specific to your Apidog account. It grants the same functional and data access permissions as your account has for all teams and projects in Apidog.Using your personal API access token to request public APIs is equivalent to performing operations in the product with your account.To access this feature: Click on your Avatar - Account Settings - API Access Token.Create a New Token#
Click "New Token" to create a new personal access token.After filling the name and selecting the expiration period, click "Save and generate token". A token will be generated that is only visible on this window. Please copy this token immediately and store it securely, as it won't be accessible after leaving this window.